Your Stellar Life
Harnessing Love & Light
A Transformational Technique for Empaths
Laura Kate McHugh
During my college years, I stumbled upon a place that forever changed my perspective—a Spiritualist church. It was no regular service; this was a message service, where the reverend answered questions written on envelopes before even opening them, serving as a medium communicating with loved ones in spirit.

Being a PK (preacher’s kid), my interest in church had been waning, but this experience was different. Unexpectedly, a message came from a red-headed young man who I had known in grade school and had died in a plane crash. His message, though simple, carried a weight that still resonates with me today: Live life fully. This message, from a life cut short, implored me to cherish mine, a message I carry with me always.

Years later, I found myself back at the quaint Spiritualist church in Santa Barbara with the sunflower logo, this time meeting a different pastor. She had you write your questions, place them in an envelope, and sit before her for your message. Her message was a revelation—introducing me to the concept of picking up other people's energy. This was way before I heard people discussing Empaths or Highly Sensitive Individuals, labels that I've since come to realize apply to me.

Empaths are often targeted by strangers asking for money, mentally disabled individuals who start cursing, and receive all sorts of unwanted attention. Do you feel the same? Singled-out, bombarded? It’s because we are open, caring, and connecting. But, we need to learn how to protect ourselves.

Over the years, I've encountered many rituals and practices said to protect empaths and sensitive people. Some complex, some requiring tools and accoutrements. Yet, the second pastor at the Spiritualist church taught me the most potent and easiest technique I’ve ever come across.

Imagine having a secret phrase, a mantra you could silently repeat, “Love & Light,” anytime you felt overwhelmed or energetically invaded. Simple, easy to remember, easy to apply. Initially, I tried to complicate it, thinking I had to visualize love and light or physically wrap it around the person. But no, it's all about the words and the intention.

I started doing it all the time, and to my surprise, it worked immediately. I saw the energy of people around me shift instantly. I didn't really understand how it worked, but that it did work. I no longer felt bombarded. I no longer felt helpless.

My feeling about how it works now, is that it creates a bubble of love and light around the other person, while also creating a bubble of love and light around yourself. It's a practice that fosters positivity, free from judgment, fear, or negativity.

The only tricky part is remembering to do it. But once you make it a habit, it has the potential to be as transformative for you as it was for me.

After all, what the world needs now is love, sweet love….and light!

Are you ready to transform this year into Your Stellar Life? I've just opened up a limited number of one-on-one coaching spots. If you're serious about unlocking your fullest potential and crafting a life you love, let's chat. Book a call with me now and take the first step towards a truly stellar year. Don't wait, these spots won't last long!

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During my college years, I stumbled upon a place that forever changed my perspective—a Spiritualist church. It was no regular service; this was a message service, where the reverend answered questions written on envelopes before even opening them, serving as a medium communicating with loved ones in spirit.

Being a PK (preacher’s kid), my interest in church had been waning, but this experience was different. Unexpectedly, a message came from a red-headed young man who I had known in grade school and had died in a plane crash. His message, though simple, carried a weight that still resonates with me today: Live life fully. This message, from a life cut short, implored me to cherish mine, a message I carry with me always.

Years later, I found myself back at the quaint Spiritualist church in Santa Barbara with the sunflower logo, this time meeting a different pastor. She had you write your questions, place them in an envelope, and sit before her for your message. Her message was a revelation—introducing me to the concept of picking up other people's energy. This was way before I heard people discussing Empaths or Highly Sensitive Individuals, labels that I've since come to realize apply to me.

Empaths are often targeted by strangers asking for money, mentally disabled individuals who start cursing, and receive all sorts of unwanted attention. Do you feel the same? Singled-out, bombarded? It’s because we are open, caring, and connecting. But, we need to learn how to protect ourselves.

Over the years, I've encountered many rituals and practices said to protect empaths and sensitive people. Some complex, some requiring tools and accoutrements. Yet, the second pastor at the Spiritualist church taught me the most potent and easiest technique I’ve ever come across.

Imagine having a secret phrase, a mantra you could silently repeat, “Love & Light,” anytime you felt overwhelmed or energetically invaded. Simple, easy to remember, easy to apply. Initially, I tried to complicate it, thinking I had to visualize love and light or physically wrap it around the person. But no, it's all about the words and the intention.

I started doing it all the time, and to my surprise, it worked immediately. I saw the energy of people around me shift instantly. I didn't really understand how it worked, but that it did work. I no longer felt bombarded. I no longer felt helpless.

My feeling about how it works now, is that it creates a bubble of love and light around the other person, while also creating a bubble of love and light around yourself. It's a practice that fosters positivity, free from judgment, fear, or negativity.

The only tricky part is remembering to do it. But once you make it a habit, it has the potential to be as transformative for you as it was for me.

After all, what the world needs now is love, sweet love….and light!

Are you ready to transform this year into Your Stellar Life? I've just opened up a limited number of one-on-one coaching spots. If you're serious about unlocking your fullest potential and crafting a life you love, let's chat. Book a call with me now and take the first step towards a truly stellar year. Don't wait, these spots won't last long!

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