Your Stellar Life
Our Words Have the Power
Mindset Tool to Change Your Habits
Laura Kate McHugh
“Thoughts become things.”
“You are what you think.”
“We can manifest anything we want.”

Have you been hearing these assertions, seeing no change, and wondering what you’re doing wrong? I recently learned a powerful way to look at how this method actually works in RTT. It’s called “The Ladder of Looping Thoughts.”

Let’s first look at a negative thought. 
  • This thought would be the first rung on the ladder.
    • “I’m so stressed and don’t have enough time for myself.”
  • Thoughts lead to feelings. How do you feel when you think that thought?
    • Overwhelmed
    • Frustrated
    • Angry?
  • Which then leads to an Action. What do you do when you feel that way?
    • Eat something
    • Watch TV
    • Have a glass of wine
This then leads to a habit. When this feeling comes up, and we repeat that action, it can become a habit or behavior. Your mind learns by repetition. This will lead back to a feeling.
  • How do you feel after the snacks, TV or Wine?
    • Disappointed
    • Numb
    • Out of control?
This is how the ladder of looping thoughts works, by bringing us back to the beginning of the loop - a thought.

“I’m so stressed and don’t have enough time for myself.”
  • Let’s look at what happens when we change the first rung of the ladder - The thought.
    • “I love taking care of myself. I know better than anyone what I need.”
  • Then we move to the 2nd rung - Feeling: How do you feel when you think that thought?
    • Confident
    • Energized
    • Empowered
  • Now up to the 3rd rung - Action. What do you do when you feel that way?:
    • Go for a walk
    • Read a book
    • Go out with friends
Finally, the last rung - habit. When this feeling comes up, and we repeat that action, it can become a habit or behavior. Again, your mind learns through repetition, so keep repeating the positive thoughts and actions to promote the good feelings:

How do you feel after the walks? The good books? Time with friends? Happy, rested, or connected? This will lead you to a happy thought:

“I make time to take care of myself, and I love it.”

This is how thoughts become things. This is how we manifest what we truly want. We all have negative thoughts that we end up believing. We even tend to focus on and give power to the negative. This is how nature and our minds try to protect us at all costs.

The ladder of looping thoughts is a great tool to see how our thoughts shape our actions and feelings. The amazing thing is we all have the power to change our thoughts. We don’t have the ability to change anyone else’s thoughts, the weather, political climates, or anything else for that matter.

Your turn: Have a look at your thoughts. Sometimes it is easier to look at some action or habit and reverse engineer it. What was the thought that triggered that action/habit? How did you feel?

You can do this around any area you feel stuck or powerless. Change the thought. Make a powerful thought to replace it. Whenever you catch yourself thinking,

“I can never lose the weight.”
“No one supports me.”
“My job is driving me crazy.”

Or whatever it is that you think and repeat to yourself, replace it with your new thought process;

”My body is a fat-burning machine.”
“I am loved and supported.”
“I love my job.”

Give it a try, and let us know in the comments section how it’s working for you.

Jump on a free call to see how RTT and the ladder of looping thoughts can help you change your loops and your life.

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“Thoughts become things.”
“You are what you think.”
“We can manifest anything we want.”

Have you been hearing these assertions, seeing no change, and wondering what you’re doing wrong? I recently learned a powerful way to look at how this method actually works in RTT. It’s called “The Ladder of Looping Thoughts.”

Let’s first look at a negative thought. 
  • This thought would be the first rung on the ladder.
    • “I’m so stressed and don’t have enough time for myself.”
  • Thoughts lead to feelings. How do you feel when you think that thought?
    • Overwhelmed
    • Frustrated
    • Angry?
  • Which then leads to an Action. What do you do when you feel that way?
    • Eat something
    • Watch TV
    • Have a glass of wine
This then leads to a habit. When this feeling comes up, and we repeat that action, it can become a habit or behavior. Your mind learns by repetition. This will lead back to a feeling.
  • How do you feel after the snacks, TV or Wine?
    • Disappointed
    • Numb
    • Out of control?
This is how the ladder of looping thoughts works, by bringing us back to the beginning of the loop - a thought.

“I’m so stressed and don’t have enough time for myself.”
  • Let’s look at what happens when we change the first rung of the ladder - The thought.
    • “I love taking care of myself. I know better than anyone what I need.”
  • Then we move to the 2nd rung - Feeling: How do you feel when you think that thought?
    • Confident
    • Energized
    • Empowered
  • Now up to the 3rd rung - Action. What do you do when you feel that way?:
    • Go for a walk
    • Read a book
    • Go out with friends
Finally, the last rung - habit. When this feeling comes up, and we repeat that action, it can become a habit or behavior. Again, your mind learns through repetition, so keep repeating the positive thoughts and actions to promote the good feelings:

How do you feel after the walks? The good books? Time with friends? Happy, rested, or connected? This will lead you to a happy thought:

“I make time to take care of myself, and I love it.”

This is how thoughts become things. This is how we manifest what we truly want. We all have negative thoughts that we end up believing. We even tend to focus on and give power to the negative. This is how nature and our minds try to protect us at all costs.

The ladder of looping thoughts is a great tool to see how our thoughts shape our actions and feelings. The amazing thing is we all have the power to change our thoughts. We don’t have the ability to change anyone else’s thoughts, the weather, political climates, or anything else for that matter.

Your turn: Have a look at your thoughts. Sometimes it is easier to look at some action or habit and reverse engineer it. What was the thought that triggered that action/habit? How did you feel?

You can do this around any area you feel stuck or powerless. Change the thought. Make a powerful thought to replace it. Whenever you catch yourself thinking,

“I can never lose the weight.”
“No one supports me.”
“My job is driving me crazy.”

Or whatever it is that you think and repeat to yourself, replace it with your new thought process;

”My body is a fat-burning machine.”
“I am loved and supported.”
“I love my job.”

Give it a try, and let us know in the comments section how it’s working for you.

Jump on a free call to see how RTT and the ladder of looping thoughts can help you change your loops and your life.

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