Your Stellar Life
What is Hypnosis?
Uncover the history and facts surrounding the centuries old practice of hypnosis. Learn how it can help you unlock years of stored memories, re-frame beliefs and make powerful life changes - all in a safe and supportive setting!
Laura Kate McHugh
It’s said that hypnosis has been around since the 18th century when Franz Anton Mesmer first used it as a therapeutic tool. That’s where we get the term mesmerism and mesmerized. He believed that the magnetic field could be influenced by a therapist and healing would take place. It’s a bit different to how we use hypnosis and hypnotherapy today.

I think it goes back to ancient Egypt where they had these dream chambers or sleep temples. It’s said that they would go to the chambers for healing, enter into a trance-like state along with prayer, chanting, meditation, baths and other healing rituals. The dreams would then be analyzed and the ailments healed.

Most recently, hypnosis has become increasingly popular as an alternative healing modality and is now used to treat a wide array of physical, emotional  and mental health issues. It’s used for effective pain relief, addiction treatment, weight-loss and confidence boosting. There are an increasing number of scientific studies supporting its effectiveness.

So, what does it look and feel like? When someone is under hypnosis, they are in a deep state of relaxation where their subconscious mind is open to suggestion. This can be used to re-frame beliefs, tap into new sources of motivation and ultimately influence behavioral change depending upon the desired outcome. The conscious mind takes a back seat and the subconscious mind processes through years of stored memories and acquired beliefs
Despite being around for centuries, hypnosis still has its fair share of myths surrounding it. It is important to remember that while under hypnosis, an individual won’t act in an unnatural way or do anything against their will. You don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Hypnosis works by getting the individual to focus on the desired outcome so that their subconscious mind can start forming new habits and behaviors associated with achieving this goal.

Another common myth regarding hypnosis is that only certain types of people can be hypnotized successfully. This couldn’t be further from the truth - everyone can benefit from hypnosis if they are willing to open up and enter into a trance-like state during the session. We’re actually in a hypnotic-like trance multiple times throughout the day. It’s completely normal and natural. Have you ever zoned out while driving and wonder what happened to the last 5 miles? We call that Highway hypnosis. What about while watching tv…have you ever seemed to have lost a whole hour? That zoned out feeling is similar to the hypnotic trance. Relaxed and with a looser focus.

Some people fear that you can get stuck in that state. This is really a fear of being out of control. It’s really impossible to get stuck in the hypnotic trance. Just think about it this way: Where are all the people that are supposedly stuck in hypnosis? Is there a warehouse of hypnotized people hanging out? Waiting to be brought back to consciousness? Our minds are hardwired for survival. If you’re in a hypnosis session and you hear a fire alarm, or anything, you will be instantly alert. And just the same way, you can easily go back into that hypnotic state if you want to. You can get up and go to the bathroom, use a tissue, or drink some water. You are never out of control.

It is important to keep an open mind when considering different alternative therapies and approaches. Hypnosis can make all the difference in achieving meaningful life transformations when applied in a safe and supportive setting – something which we here at Your Stellar Life strive for every single time we see our clients.

Curious? Have questions? Maybe there’s something you want to work on and nothing has worked so far? I’ve got some time on my calendar to answer any of your questions.

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It’s said that hypnosis has been around since the 18th century when Franz Anton Mesmer first used it as a therapeutic tool. That’s where we get the term mesmerism and mesmerized. He believed that the magnetic field could be influenced by a therapist and healing would take place. It’s a bit different to how we use hypnosis and hypnotherapy today.

I think it goes back to ancient Egypt where they had these dream chambers or sleep temples. It’s said that they would go to the chambers for healing, enter into a trance-like state along with prayer, chanting, meditation, baths and other healing rituals. The dreams would then be analyzed and the ailments healed.

Most recently, hypnosis has become increasingly popular as an alternative healing modality and is now used to treat a wide array of physical, emotional  and mental health issues. It’s used for effective pain relief, addiction treatment, weight-loss and confidence boosting. There are an increasing number of scientific studies supporting its effectiveness.

So, what does it look and feel like? When someone is under hypnosis, they are in a deep state of relaxation where their subconscious mind is open to suggestion. This can be used to re-frame beliefs, tap into new sources of motivation and ultimately influence behavioral change depending upon the desired outcome. The conscious mind takes a back seat and the subconscious mind processes through years of stored memories and acquired beliefs
Despite being around for centuries, hypnosis still has its fair share of myths surrounding it. It is important to remember that while under hypnosis, an individual won’t act in an unnatural way or do anything against their will. You don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Hypnosis works by getting the individual to focus on the desired outcome so that their subconscious mind can start forming new habits and behaviors associated with achieving this goal.

Another common myth regarding hypnosis is that only certain types of people can be hypnotized successfully. This couldn’t be further from the truth - everyone can benefit from hypnosis if they are willing to open up and enter into a trance-like state during the session. We’re actually in a hypnotic-like trance multiple times throughout the day. It’s completely normal and natural. Have you ever zoned out while driving and wonder what happened to the last 5 miles? We call that Highway hypnosis. What about while watching tv…have you ever seemed to have lost a whole hour? That zoned out feeling is similar to the hypnotic trance. Relaxed and with a looser focus.

Some people fear that you can get stuck in that state. This is really a fear of being out of control. It’s really impossible to get stuck in the hypnotic trance. Just think about it this way: Where are all the people that are supposedly stuck in hypnosis? Is there a warehouse of hypnotized people hanging out? Waiting to be brought back to consciousness? Our minds are hardwired for survival. If you’re in a hypnosis session and you hear a fire alarm, or anything, you will be instantly alert. And just the same way, you can easily go back into that hypnotic state if you want to. You can get up and go to the bathroom, use a tissue, or drink some water. You are never out of control.

It is important to keep an open mind when considering different alternative therapies and approaches. Hypnosis can make all the difference in achieving meaningful life transformations when applied in a safe and supportive setting – something which we here at Your Stellar Life strive for every single time we see our clients.

Curious? Have questions? Maybe there’s something you want to work on and nothing has worked so far? I’ve got some time on my calendar to answer any of your questions.

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