Your Stellar Life

Trim Your Tummy

A Guided Hypnosis for Shedding Belly Fat and Embracing Body Love
Laura Kate
Are you tired of that extra weight around the middle, the expanding waistline, and the infamous “muffin top” over your pants? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work? You’re not alone. Many of my clients and friends complain about belly fat being a stubborn issue.

That's why I created a guided hypnosis for you to reprogram your mind and body to boost your metabolism and shed that stubborn belly fat. Best of all, it’s free!

With changing hormones, what used to work may not work anymore. The Trim Your Tummy guided meditation is designed to help you get back in your body, love your belly, and train your subconscious mind to start shedding the weight.

Growing up, my belly was always the part of my body that I disliked the most. I remember feeling self-conscious and hating it when people touched it. I was even told to suck it in for pictures. It seemed like the worst part of my body, and I believed that belts were not for me because they accentuated it.

Looking back at pictures of my younger self, I realize that I didn’t have an enormous belly. But at the time, I thought I did. Do you have those moments too, looking back at old pictures and wondering why you didn’t love yourself then? Why did you hate the way you looked?

I spent years hating my belly, as if punishing myself for not being perfect. But hating my belly didn’t stop me from wearing teeny Brazilian bikinis while living in Brazil. I forced myself to step out of my comfort zone, but I still thought my belly was flawed, bad, and unlovable.

Then perimenopause came, and my belly seemed to grow even larger. I couldn’t believe it! I had accepted hating it at its pre-perimenopause imperfect state, but this was unacceptable.

That's when I discovered the power of the subconscious mind in turning around our long-held limiting beliefs. I started to love my belly, scars and all. I love how strong it’s getting, how it’s an emotional center where I can tune in and look for intuition. I love its roundedness, and that it’s part of this amazing body that keeps me moving and healthy. It keeps me flexible, protects my internal organs and spine, and it’s my center.

Loving your belly doesn’t have to start when you think it’s perfect. The goal is to love yourself, truly and completely. Knowing that you’re worthy and that it’s never too late to love yourself is the goal!

The big shift for me was not caring about what others thought about my body. I’ve dropped weight and feel amazing, but it’s not for anyone else. It's about feeling good in my body, loving it by giving it what it needs to be healthy and happy.

My gift to you is this meditation that loves up on your belly, boost your metabolism, and promotes self-love. You are worthy and lovable exactly how you are! If dropping the belly weight will make you feel better in your skin, clothes, and live healthier, longer, you can drop it. I did.

I wish for you to love your belly, nourish it, and feel it grow stronger every day.

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Are you tired of that extra weight around the middle, the expanding waistline, and the infamous “muffin top” over your pants? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work? You’re not alone. Many of my clients and friends complain about belly fat being a stubborn issue.

That's why I created a guided hypnosis for you to reprogram your mind and body to boost your metabolism and shed that stubborn belly fat. Best of all, it’s free!

With changing hormones, what used to work may not work anymore. The Trim Your Tummy guided meditation is designed to help you get back in your body, love your belly, and train your subconscious mind to start shedding the weight.

Growing up, my belly was always the part of my body that I disliked the most. I remember feeling self-conscious and hating it when people touched it. I was even told to suck it in for pictures. It seemed like the worst part of my body, and I believed that belts were not for me because they accentuated it.

Looking back at pictures of my younger self, I realize that I didn’t have an enormous belly. But at the time, I thought I did. Do you have those moments too, looking back at old pictures and wondering why you didn’t love yourself then? Why did you hate the way you looked?

I spent years hating my belly, as if punishing myself for not being perfect. But hating my belly didn’t stop me from wearing teeny Brazilian bikinis while living in Brazil. I forced myself to step out of my comfort zone, but I still thought my belly was flawed, bad, and unlovable.

Then perimenopause came, and my belly seemed to grow even larger. I couldn’t believe it! I had accepted hating it at its pre-perimenopause imperfect state, but this was unacceptable.

That's when I discovered the power of the subconscious mind in turning around our long-held limiting beliefs. I started to love my belly, scars and all. I love how strong it’s getting, how it’s an emotional center where I can tune in and look for intuition. I love its roundedness, and that it’s part of this amazing body that keeps me moving and healthy. It keeps me flexible, protects my internal organs and spine, and it’s my center.

Loving your belly doesn’t have to start when you think it’s perfect. The goal is to love yourself, truly and completely. Knowing that you’re worthy and that it’s never too late to love yourself is the goal!

The big shift for me was not caring about what others thought about my body. I’ve dropped weight and feel amazing, but it’s not for anyone else. It's about feeling good in my body, loving it by giving it what it needs to be healthy and happy.

My gift to you is this meditation that loves up on your belly, boost your metabolism, and promotes self-love. You are worthy and lovable exactly how you are! If dropping the belly weight will make you feel better in your skin, clothes, and live healthier, longer, you can drop it. I did.

I wish for you to love your belly, nourish it, and feel it grow stronger every day.

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