Your Stellar Life
Morning Rituals
Start each day with self-care
Laura Kate McHugh
Do you feel stretched too thin? Do you feel like you’re always taking care of something or someone? Have you tried to make self-care a priority, but seem to run out of time?

I’m going to invite you to create a morning ritual. I’m actually going to challenge you to create a morning ritual and stick to it for the next 21 days. Let’s do it together!

When perimenopause started with low libido, hot flashes, mood swings and other weird symptoms, I asked myself what deeper meaning or message is this phase in life trying to tell me? As these many symptoms got louder and louder, I started noticing that I was paying more attention to myself and less attention to taking care of everyone around me.

I’d always been the type of person to put other people’s needs and feelings above my own. I’m super sensitive and I’m well-versed in understanding what other people need or want and trying to give it to them. (Perfect for being a coach, an empath and unfortunately a target for narcissists)

Perimenopause came around and it forced me to focus more on myself. “I’m hot!” “I’m cold!” “I’m moody!” The big message of this phase in life was:

Pay attention to yourself and take care of yourself!

Starting a morning ritual is a great place to start taking care of yourself, I found. If you need to wake up a little earlier to have that sacred time, that’s doable. Having a morning ritual can be especially beneficial for busy women because it provides a sense of structure and routine in a busy and often chaotic day. It sets the tone for your day, your mood and your intention of self-care. This morning ritual is best if we start with micro changes. Check out my post on micro changes and swaps to learn more about why making small shifts works best.

There are many different morning ritual ideas that can help set a positive tone for the day. Do you check your phone first thing every morning? How does that FB scroll or email barrage make you feel? Drained? Overwhelmed? And you’re not even out of bed! Let’s swap out that one activity with one of the suggestions below:
  1. Meditation, qi gong or mindfulness practice: Starting the day with a few minutes of quiet reflection can help you feel more centered and focused. Start with 5 minutes. Tip: set up a space for your practice. It could be just a meditation pillow or a spot for qi gong that you go to consistently
  2. Exercise or stretching: Engaging in physical activity in the morning can boost your energy levels and help you feel more alert. Tip: remember it doesn’t have to be 30 min…start with one or 2 stretches.
  3. Journaling: Taking a few minutes to write down your thoughts and intentions for the day can help you clarify your goals and set a positive tone for the day.Tip: The Artist’s Way is a great book that talks about Morning Pages.
  4. Gratitude practice: Expressing gratitude for the things you have in your life can help shift your mindset to a more positive and abundant one. Tip: Doing this before bed is also really inspiring and helps clear your mind before sleep.
  5. Reading or listening to inspiring content: Starting your day with motivational or inspiring content can help you feel more motivated and empowered to tackle your goals. Podcasts and blogs by your favorite people.Tip: keep a list in your notes on your phone of podcasts or blogs you’ve been meaning to catch up on.
  6. Listening to a Guided Meditation: There are so many out there to listen to and be inspired by. There are apps or you can create your own recording. I have the Trim Your Tummy that focuses on metabolism and belly love for perimenopause and beyond. You can get it here.
  7. Setting intentions: Setting specific goals or intentions for the day can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the day. Tip: create a bunch of post-its and place them around, where you’ll see them
  8. Enjoying a healthy breakfast: Starting your day with a nutritious meal can help fuel your body and mind for the day ahead. Tip: stick to proteins and fats in the morning, avoiding carbs and sweets.
Remember, the key to a successful morning ritual is to find something that works for you and fits into your daily routine.

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Do you feel stretched too thin? Do you feel like you’re always taking care of something or someone? Have you tried to make self-care a priority, but seem to run out of time?

I’m going to invite you to create a morning ritual. I’m actually going to challenge you to create a morning ritual and stick to it for the next 21 days. Let’s do it together!

When perimenopause started with low libido, hot flashes, mood swings and other weird symptoms, I asked myself what deeper meaning or message is this phase in life trying to tell me? As these many symptoms got louder and louder, I started noticing that I was paying more attention to myself and less attention to taking care of everyone around me.

I’d always been the type of person to put other people’s needs and feelings above my own. I’m super sensitive and I’m well-versed in understanding what other people need or want and trying to give it to them. (Perfect for being a coach, an empath and unfortunately a target for narcissists)

Perimenopause came around and it forced me to focus more on myself. “I’m hot!” “I’m cold!” “I’m moody!” The big message of this phase in life was:

Pay attention to yourself and take care of yourself!

Starting a morning ritual is a great place to start taking care of yourself, I found. If you need to wake up a little earlier to have that sacred time, that’s doable. Having a morning ritual can be especially beneficial for busy women because it provides a sense of structure and routine in a busy and often chaotic day. It sets the tone for your day, your mood and your intention of self-care. This morning ritual is best if we start with micro changes. Check out my post on micro changes and swaps to learn more about why making small shifts works best.

There are many different morning ritual ideas that can help set a positive tone for the day. Do you check your phone first thing every morning? How does that FB scroll or email barrage make you feel? Drained? Overwhelmed? And you’re not even out of bed! Let’s swap out that one activity with one of the suggestions below:
  1. Meditation, qi gong or mindfulness practice: Starting the day with a few minutes of quiet reflection can help you feel more centered and focused. Start with 5 minutes. Tip: set up a space for your practice. It could be just a meditation pillow or a spot for qi gong that you go to consistently
  2. Exercise or stretching: Engaging in physical activity in the morning can boost your energy levels and help you feel more alert. Tip: remember it doesn’t have to be 30 min…start with one or 2 stretches.
  3. Journaling: Taking a few minutes to write down your thoughts and intentions for the day can help you clarify your goals and set a positive tone for the day.Tip: The Artist’s Way is a great book that talks about Morning Pages.
  4. Gratitude practice: Expressing gratitude for the things you have in your life can help shift your mindset to a more positive and abundant one. Tip: Doing this before bed is also really inspiring and helps clear your mind before sleep.
  5. Reading or listening to inspiring content: Starting your day with motivational or inspiring content can help you feel more motivated and empowered to tackle your goals. Podcasts and blogs by your favorite people.Tip: keep a list in your notes on your phone of podcasts or blogs you’ve been meaning to catch up on.
  6. Listening to a Guided Meditation: There are so many out there to listen to and be inspired by. There are apps or you can create your own recording. I have the Trim Your Tummy that focuses on metabolism and belly love for perimenopause and beyond. You can get it here.
  7. Setting intentions: Setting specific goals or intentions for the day can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the day. Tip: create a bunch of post-its and place them around, where you’ll see them
  8. Enjoying a healthy breakfast: Starting your day with a nutritious meal can help fuel your body and mind for the day ahead. Tip: stick to proteins and fats in the morning, avoiding carbs and sweets.
Remember, the key to a successful morning ritual is to find something that works for you and fits into your daily routine.

Share your new morning ritual in the Facebook Group!

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