Your Stellar Life
Comparing sucks!
Take charge of you happiness
Laura Kate
We all do it! It’s natural to try to figure out our place in the tribe. But, it sucks!

When we compare our progress to the progress of others, we are wasting our energy and attention. It’s the quickest way to self-sabotage and stay stuck.

We live in a society of measurements, grades, salary comparisons, and win/fail dynamics.

Does that really measure joy and happiness?

We’ve all heard this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, but it bears repeating, “Life is a journey, not a destination.”

We are all on our own journey. No one on this planet has lived what you have lived, traveled to the places and times you have traveled, heard the words you have heard, and felt the exact same feelings as you have. And that is Amazing! You are unique!

We live in a time where we can do so many things, have so many choices, and communicate with so many different people. Does that mean that there are just more people to compare ourselves to?


If you haven’t already stopped comparing yourself to others, it’s time to stop! If you are taking a course and someone in the group is getting results faster than you, that’s great! You have proof that the system works and that you can and will get results as well.

If you are at a family gathering and the old comparisons and competitions are making you feel depressed, remember that you are unique. You are on your own path! At work, it can be easy to fall into the comparison trap. Don’t. Show up and be your best, do your best and contribute your unique take on things.

If we all set out to climb a mountain, the time it takes each of us to get to the top will always significantly differ. Age, general condition, and so many other variables would affect how we got up to the top, or how long it took us. But, guess what? The view will be the same for all of us.

Stay in your lane. I don’t know who originally said this, but I love it. When I’m feeling behind or comparing my progress to anyone else’s, I remind myself to stay in my lane. It works for me. Those four little words…

Stay in my lane!

And that is where I find beauty and joy. It’s the journey, not the destination. When you take the time to love the process, enjoy the journey, and celebrate your personal wins, you will stop comparing yourself to other people.

You’re too busy driving in your own lane to notice what others are doing. While you’re there, remember not to text while driving; no distracted drivers are allowed on this road.

Visit in your lane! Enjoy the journey! We will all get to where we need to go.
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We all do it! It’s natural to try to figure out our place in the tribe. But, it sucks!

When we compare our progress to the progress of others, we are wasting our energy and attention. It’s the quickest way to self-sabotage and stay stuck.

We live in a society of measurements, grades, salary comparisons, and win/fail dynamics.

Does that really measure joy and happiness?

We’ve all heard this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, but it bears repeating, “Life is a journey, not a destination.”

We are all on our own journey. No one on this planet has lived what you have lived, traveled to the places and times you have traveled, heard the words you have heard, and felt the exact same feelings as you have. And that is Amazing! You are unique!

We live in a time where we can do so many things, have so many choices, and communicate with so many different people. Does that mean that there are just more people to compare ourselves to?


If you haven’t already stopped comparing yourself to others, it’s time to stop! If you are taking a course and someone in the group is getting results faster than you, that’s great! You have proof that the system works and that you can and will get results as well.

If you are at a family gathering and the old comparisons and competitions are making you feel depressed, remember that you are unique. You are on your own path! At work, it can be easy to fall into the comparison trap. Don’t. Show up and be your best, do your best and contribute your unique take on things.

If we all set out to climb a mountain, the time it takes each of us to get to the top will always significantly differ. Age, general condition, and so many other variables would affect how we got up to the top, or how long it took us. But, guess what? The view will be the same for all of us.

Stay in your lane. I don’t know who originally said this, but I love it. When I’m feeling behind or comparing my progress to anyone else’s, I remind myself to stay in my lane. It works for me. Those four little words…

Stay in my lane!

And that is where I find beauty and joy. It’s the journey, not the destination. When you take the time to love the process, enjoy the journey, and celebrate your personal wins, you will stop comparing yourself to other people.

You’re too busy driving in your own lane to notice what others are doing. While you’re there, remember not to text while driving; no distracted drivers are allowed on this road.

Visit in your lane! Enjoy the journey! We will all get to where we need to go.
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