Your Stellar Life
Loving yourself before you reach your ideal weight/size
It really starts with love.
Laura Kate McHugh
If you love your body, you’ll treat it with love. If you loathe your body, you will feed it loads.

These amazing bodies do so much for us. They heal our wounds, they move us through this beautiful world, they take abuse and neglect and still keep adapting. We are incredibly adaptable.

So, our job is to love our bodies, love ourselves.

I’m not saying I’m perfect at it. I still can beat myself up internally. But, I recognize when I fall off and I get right back to loving myself. I’ve realized that good habits lead to more good habits and bad habits lead to more bad habits. We don’t have to be perfect or at 100% all the time. The more positive you are, the easier and more of a habit it becomes.

Perfectionists are the most unhappy people. It’s never perfect so they are never happy.

But, when we love ourselves with our flaws and imperfections, we then treat ourselves in loving ways. And more love leads to more love. Just like more hate leads to more hate. I’m beginning to sound a bit cheesy. Sorry about that.

From what I’ve learned and experienced, it really is that simple. When we love our bodies, even if the scale isn’t where we want it to be or our clothes aren’t fitting the way we want them to, we then make loving choices for our bodies. We choose healthy foods. We feel we’re enough.

It’s not really about the number on the scale. It’s about loving yourself, feeling enough and loving the imperfections as well.

Feeling good, living a long happy life, aging beautifully are all much better goals than losing weight. When you make that shift, the choices you make are more loving towards yourself. Ask your body if it wants that sugar bomb. I guarantee you that your body will always say no. Your mind may want it. Your mind may think that it’s familiar or that it’ll remind you of some past memory. But your body is wise. It will never say yes to sugar or alcohol or tobacco. It has to work so hard to balance those toxins and remove them. It’s a huge load on the system.

Create loving habits for yourself. Check in with your body and ask it what it wants. It may surprise you. Does it need nature? Water? A good laugh? Some B-vitamins?

Love your beautiful body. Give it plenty of water. Let it move, dance, and express itself. Breathe nice big beautiful breaths. Say loving words to yourself. Say the words you yearn to express. Let yourself be seen and heard. You are beautiful. You are loved! You are enough, right now!

I’ve created a guide with some of my favorite food swaps to get you into positive, loving habits. Get your copy and start making loving yourself your priority!

Big love,
Laura Kate

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If you love your body, you’ll treat it with love. If you loathe your body, you will feed it loads.

These amazing bodies do so much for us. They heal our wounds, they move us through this beautiful world, they take abuse and neglect and still keep adapting. We are incredibly adaptable.

So, our job is to love our bodies, love ourselves.

I’m not saying I’m perfect at it. I still can beat myself up internally. But, I recognize when I fall off and I get right back to loving myself. I’ve realized that good habits lead to more good habits and bad habits lead to more bad habits. We don’t have to be perfect or at 100% all the time. The more positive you are, the easier and more of a habit it becomes.

Perfectionists are the most unhappy people. It’s never perfect so they are never happy.

But, when we love ourselves with our flaws and imperfections, we then treat ourselves in loving ways. And more love leads to more love. Just like more hate leads to more hate. I’m beginning to sound a bit cheesy. Sorry about that.

From what I’ve learned and experienced, it really is that simple. When we love our bodies, even if the scale isn’t where we want it to be or our clothes aren’t fitting the way we want them to, we then make loving choices for our bodies. We choose healthy foods. We feel we’re enough.

It’s not really about the number on the scale. It’s about loving yourself, feeling enough and loving the imperfections as well.

Feeling good, living a long happy life, aging beautifully are all much better goals than losing weight. When you make that shift, the choices you make are more loving towards yourself. Ask your body if it wants that sugar bomb. I guarantee you that your body will always say no. Your mind may want it. Your mind may think that it’s familiar or that it’ll remind you of some past memory. But your body is wise. It will never say yes to sugar or alcohol or tobacco. It has to work so hard to balance those toxins and remove them. It’s a huge load on the system.

Create loving habits for yourself. Check in with your body and ask it what it wants. It may surprise you. Does it need nature? Water? A good laugh? Some B-vitamins?

Love your beautiful body. Give it plenty of water. Let it move, dance, and express itself. Breathe nice big beautiful breaths. Say loving words to yourself. Say the words you yearn to express. Let yourself be seen and heard. You are beautiful. You are loved! You are enough, right now!

I’ve created a guide with some of my favorite food swaps to get you into positive, loving habits. Get your copy and start making loving yourself your priority!

Big love,
Laura Kate

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