Your Stellar Life
Understanding Fears with Hypnotherapy: A Personal Journey to Healing and Transformation
Going Deep to Uncover Buried Memories
Laura Kate McHugh
 Navigating the realm of hypnotherapy and the subconscious mind is like an adventure, constantly filled with surprises. Sometimes, we stumble upon memories that trace back to our time in the womb, our first breaths, and even echoes from past lives.

Even though we can't easily tap into these memories, they play a part in shaping our everyday beliefs and thoughts. How amazing is that? This is why hypnotherapy is so powerful. It helps us not only recognize these deep-seated impressions but also heal from them.

Here's a little story from my journey. I once sought help from an RTT therapist about my fear of failure. I had this nagging feeling that something was blocking me.

The therapist, skillful as they were, guided me back to the roots of my fears around success and failure. I found myself in complete darkness, and in an instant, I understood - it was dark because I was back in the womb. It's fascinating how our sense of hearing is pretty well-tuned while we're still in the womb. I could remember conversations around the theme of perfection.

My parents were in conflict and there was a lot of tension. My mom was 39 and was worried about potential genetic abnormalities. She was against taking an amniocentesis due to the risks it posed (it was a bit riskier back then), especially since her pregnancy was already considered high-risk. My dad, on the other hand wanted confirmation of a perfect baby.

What did that baby in the womb understand from all of this? That she was only wanted if she was perfect. In fact, her very survival seemed to hinge on it. This tension established a pattern of fear and confusion in me.

As the messages of "Be perfect or risk everything" and "You are already perfect" were battling, I finally made a connection. My fear of failure was tied to a fear of not being perfect. And this fear, it traced back to my time in the womb. Essentially, I was afraid of dying.

This realization was my stepping stone towards healing. By using affirmations, audio recordings, and daily reminders, I've been rewiring my understanding of self-worth and reminding myself that being perfect is not the ultimate goal.

Just to give you another example, a recent client tapped into a past life to understand his present-day love life struggles. And then there was the client who struggled with her weight, who traced her issues back to her first few weeks post-birth. Her parents' concerns about her not gaining enough weight as a preemie seemed to be the root cause. That session was a major breakthrough for her, and she finally started to lose weight, no longer feeling the need to hold on to every single calorie she consumed.

I'm passionate about this work because I get to help my clients discover what's been holding them back. Often, these moments aren't something we're consciously aware of, and we need to dig deeper. That's where a trusted hypnotherapist comes in.

Here's a message that really made my week:

“Hi Laura Kate, Thank you so much for the wonderful session. I have been doing this kind of work for decades, and I am pleased to say my session with you was one of the best I have ever had. You have wonderful skills and guided me right where I needed to go. The recording is also a wonderful tool to imprint new messages in my subconscious. Thank you. I will definitely recommend others to you!”

Are you ready for a transformation? My Stellar Transformation Program is here to help you break free from what's been holding you back and to boost your confidence.

Ready to dive deep into your potential? Book your Stellar Insights Exchange with me and let's spend 30 minutes gaining clarity and creating a path for your personal growth.

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 Navigating the realm of hypnotherapy and the subconscious mind is like an adventure, constantly filled with surprises. Sometimes, we stumble upon memories that trace back to our time in the womb, our first breaths, and even echoes from past lives.

Even though we can't easily tap into these memories, they play a part in shaping our everyday beliefs and thoughts. How amazing is that? This is why hypnotherapy is so powerful. It helps us not only recognize these deep-seated impressions but also heal from them.

Here's a little story from my journey. I once sought help from an RTT therapist about my fear of failure. I had this nagging feeling that something was blocking me.

The therapist, skillful as they were, guided me back to the roots of my fears around success and failure. I found myself in complete darkness, and in an instant, I understood - it was dark because I was back in the womb. It's fascinating how our sense of hearing is pretty well-tuned while we're still in the womb. I could remember conversations around the theme of perfection.

My parents were in conflict and there was a lot of tension. My mom was 39 and was worried about potential genetic abnormalities. She was against taking an amniocentesis due to the risks it posed (it was a bit riskier back then), especially since her pregnancy was already considered high-risk. My dad, on the other hand wanted confirmation of a perfect baby.

What did that baby in the womb understand from all of this? That she was only wanted if she was perfect. In fact, her very survival seemed to hinge on it. This tension established a pattern of fear and confusion in me.

As the messages of "Be perfect or risk everything" and "You are already perfect" were battling, I finally made a connection. My fear of failure was tied to a fear of not being perfect. And this fear, it traced back to my time in the womb. Essentially, I was afraid of dying.

This realization was my stepping stone towards healing. By using affirmations, audio recordings, and daily reminders, I've been rewiring my understanding of self-worth and reminding myself that being perfect is not the ultimate goal.

Just to give you another example, a recent client tapped into a past life to understand his present-day love life struggles. And then there was the client who struggled with her weight, who traced her issues back to her first few weeks post-birth. Her parents' concerns about her not gaining enough weight as a preemie seemed to be the root cause. That session was a major breakthrough for her, and she finally started to lose weight, no longer feeling the need to hold on to every single calorie she consumed.

I'm passionate about this work because I get to help my clients discover what's been holding them back. Often, these moments aren't something we're consciously aware of, and we need to dig deeper. That's where a trusted hypnotherapist comes in.

Here's a message that really made my week:

“Hi Laura Kate, Thank you so much for the wonderful session. I have been doing this kind of work for decades, and I am pleased to say my session with you was one of the best I have ever had. You have wonderful skills and guided me right where I needed to go. The recording is also a wonderful tool to imprint new messages in my subconscious. Thank you. I will definitely recommend others to you!”

Are you ready for a transformation? My Stellar Transformation Program is here to help you break free from what's been holding you back and to boost your confidence.

Ready to dive deep into your potential? Book your Stellar Insights Exchange with me and let's spend 30 minutes gaining clarity and creating a path for your personal growth.

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