Your Stellar Life
The Power of Celebrating Wins: A Fresh Perspective from The Gap and the Gain
From the Insights of Dan Sullivan's 'The Gap and the Gain'
Laura Kate McHugh
We all know that we should be positive and focus on the positive, but it can be challenging. Did you learn that you need to push yourself and the only way was to beat yourself up?

Today, I want to share with you a profound concept from Dan Sullivan's book "The Gap and the Gain" – a concept that has the potential to reshape the way you measure your daily progress, both personally and professionally. This concept is about focusing on wins, celebrating achievements, and using them as stepping stones towards future success.

We live in a world that is constantly pushing us towards more – more success, more accomplishments, more milestones. In this relentless pursuit, it's all too easy to lose sight of what we have achieved and instead fixate on what we haven't. This is what Sullivan calls "the gap". It's the void between where we are now and where we want to be. And it's this very gap that can lead us to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or even like we're failing. When we’re actually probably much better than we think.

However, Sullivan offers a powerful alternative. He suggests shifting our focus to "the gain", the progress we've already made, and the wins we have to our name. And, more importantly, he presents a simple but effective practice to make this shift – tracking daily wins. It’s similar to writing down what you’re grateful for, an amazing practice, but with a different focus.

Each night, jot down three wins you've had. It could be anything from completing a complex assignment at work, drinking one more glass of water that day, having a great conversation with a friend, or simply making time for a massage. The book recommends an app called Win Streak. I’ve been using it and I love the simplicity. I do it before bed. Then, write down or type in three wins you plan on having the next day. This could be as ambitious as finishing a project or as simple as taking a walk. What matters is not the size of the win, but the act of recognizing it. Celebrating it.

Thomas Edison said, "Never go to bed without a request to your subconscious.". You are putting in your requests with your three wins for tomorrow. And following that with a guided meditation that puts you to sleep and makes more positive requests for your subconscious. So powerful!

Why is this practice so impactful? Because it shifts your perspective. Instead of being lost in "the gap", you begin to appreciate "the gain". You become more present, more aware of your progress, and more resilient in the face of challenges. In essence, you learn to celebrate your journey, not just the destination.

This approach is particularly beneficial for those of us who set high standards for ourselves. We are often our own harshest critics, setting expectations that can be almost impossible to meet. But when we focus on wins, we give ourselves the permission to acknowledge our successes, no matter how small. This builds self-confidence, reduces stress, and paves the way for a more balanced, fulfilling life.

I encourage you to give this practice a try. Start today. Note your three wins for the day, and the three you aim for tomorrow. You might just find that this simple practice has a profound impact on your sense of achievement and wellbeing. I’ve been feeling more inspired and grateful. Sometimes the wins are taking a walk on the beach, or having a great session with a client. Some of the best wins are seeing the wins my clients celebrate.

Remember, every journey begins with a single step. And each step forward, no matter how small, is a win worth celebrating. Let's shift our focus from "the gap" to "the gain", and together, we can embrace a more fulfilling, rewarding journey towards success. This practice is super helpful in giving more airtime to the inner cheerleader and giving less to the inner critic. Now, that’s a huge win!

Until next time, keep focusing on your wins, keep reaching for your dreams, and most importantly, keep celebrating your journey. The world needs more of that.

Let's make the shift from the gap to the gain! You are enough!!

Hop on over to my FB page and share some of your wins!

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We all know that we should be positive and focus on the positive, but it can be challenging. Did you learn that you need to push yourself and the only way was to beat yourself up?

Today, I want to share with you a profound concept from Dan Sullivan's book "The Gap and the Gain" – a concept that has the potential to reshape the way you measure your daily progress, both personally and professionally. This concept is about focusing on wins, celebrating achievements, and using them as stepping stones towards future success.

We live in a world that is constantly pushing us towards more – more success, more accomplishments, more milestones. In this relentless pursuit, it's all too easy to lose sight of what we have achieved and instead fixate on what we haven't. This is what Sullivan calls "the gap". It's the void between where we are now and where we want to be. And it's this very gap that can lead us to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or even like we're failing. When we’re actually probably much better than we think.

However, Sullivan offers a powerful alternative. He suggests shifting our focus to "the gain", the progress we've already made, and the wins we have to our name. And, more importantly, he presents a simple but effective practice to make this shift – tracking daily wins. It’s similar to writing down what you’re grateful for, an amazing practice, but with a different focus.

Each night, jot down three wins you've had. It could be anything from completing a complex assignment at work, drinking one more glass of water that day, having a great conversation with a friend, or simply making time for a massage. The book recommends an app called Win Streak. I’ve been using it and I love the simplicity. I do it before bed. Then, write down or type in three wins you plan on having the next day. This could be as ambitious as finishing a project or as simple as taking a walk. What matters is not the size of the win, but the act of recognizing it. Celebrating it.

Thomas Edison said, "Never go to bed without a request to your subconscious.". You are putting in your requests with your three wins for tomorrow. And following that with a guided meditation that puts you to sleep and makes more positive requests for your subconscious. So powerful!

Why is this practice so impactful? Because it shifts your perspective. Instead of being lost in "the gap", you begin to appreciate "the gain". You become more present, more aware of your progress, and more resilient in the face of challenges. In essence, you learn to celebrate your journey, not just the destination.

This approach is particularly beneficial for those of us who set high standards for ourselves. We are often our own harshest critics, setting expectations that can be almost impossible to meet. But when we focus on wins, we give ourselves the permission to acknowledge our successes, no matter how small. This builds self-confidence, reduces stress, and paves the way for a more balanced, fulfilling life.

I encourage you to give this practice a try. Start today. Note your three wins for the day, and the three you aim for tomorrow. You might just find that this simple practice has a profound impact on your sense of achievement and wellbeing. I’ve been feeling more inspired and grateful. Sometimes the wins are taking a walk on the beach, or having a great session with a client. Some of the best wins are seeing the wins my clients celebrate.

Remember, every journey begins with a single step. And each step forward, no matter how small, is a win worth celebrating. Let's shift our focus from "the gap" to "the gain", and together, we can embrace a more fulfilling, rewarding journey towards success. This practice is super helpful in giving more airtime to the inner cheerleader and giving less to the inner critic. Now, that’s a huge win!

Until next time, keep focusing on your wins, keep reaching for your dreams, and most importantly, keep celebrating your journey. The world needs more of that.

Let's make the shift from the gap to the gain! You are enough!!

Hop on over to my FB page and share some of your wins!

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