Your Stellar Life
Personal Peri Journey
Check out the long list of possible symptoms!
Laura Kate McHugh
Have you seen the list of symptoms associated with perimenopause/menopause? It’s shocking!

We’re all different and we (hopefully) won’t get all of these symptoms. And not at the same time, please!! I was shocked and surprised at how many symptoms there are directly connected with hormonal shifts during this time.

The other thing that varies so much is when does perimenopause start? For some, it starts in the late 30’s or early 40’s. For others, it’s right at 50 (the average age of menopause). Other women continue to have their period long after 50.

Next, when does it stop?

Well, I guess before that…what can we do to make it better? I can tell you what helped me with the smorgasbord of symptoms that I’ve experienced so far, but really you have to decide what’s right for you.

Let’s look at this list:

1. Allergies
2. Anxiety
3. Bloating
4. Breast tenderness
5. Body odor changes
6. Brain Fog
7. Burning mouth syndrome
8. Depression
9. Digestive issues
10. Dizziness
11. Electric shock sensations
12. Fatigue
13. Feelings of Dread
14. Formication
15. Hot Flashes
16. Hair changes
17. Headaches/Migraines
18. Incontinence
19. Insomnia
20. Irregular heartbeat
21. Irregular menstrual cycle
22. Irritability
23. Itchy skin
24. Joint pain
25. Loss of libido
26. Mood swings
27. Muscle tension
28. Night sweats
29. Oral problems
30. Paresthesia
31. Vaginal dryness
32. Weakened fingernails
33. Weight gain
34. Osteoporosis
35. Frozen shoulder (this is one I added to the list. The rest of the list is from

Jeez! I think it must be time to crawl into a cave and hibernate until it’s over!

No, seriously. Let me share with you my journey over the last year with perimenopause.

First, for me, it’s unclear if I’m still in perimenopause or menopause because I no longer have a uterus. I do have ovaries and they’ve slowed way down, causing a bunch of the symptoms above.

My first noticeable complaint was actually lower libido. I had my hormones checked and my testosterone levels were tanking. The OB/GYN prescribed a compounded testosterone cream. It worked, but it was hard for me to be consistent. I didn’t have any of the negative side effects that some people have. (Just a quick reminder: this is not medical advice as I’m not a doctor…this is my story that I hope can help you as you navigate your own journey while seeking out qualified help).

Then, it was weight gain, which crept on slowly. But, was definitely around the middle (which was always my first spot…I’m an 🍎shape). Mixed in with #24, 26, 22, 12, 5 and 15. Ok, to be honest, add in #3, 4, 6 and 9. Maybe, I should just talk about the ones I didn’t have. I think #35, frozen shoulder, really pushed me over the edge to go on HRT.

The ones that surprised me were joint pain, body odor changes and brain fog.

I couldn’t believe this…About a year ago, we moved into a new place and we wanted a fresh new mattress to start off this chapter. We tried this one mattress that seemed amazing in the showroom and it was pretty expensive. Got it home. My shoulders and hips weren’t happy. That had never happened before. Must be the mattress! Switched it for a different type. Still waking up with pain. I was so irritated and was convinced that mattresses were overpriced and shoddy.

We returned that one, too! The store owner had had just about enough of us. They brought us another one, with a look and tone that there would be no more switching. We knew that there was no way that we’d be able to return this one.

My hips and shoulders were still achey. So, I ordered a mattress topper or two or three. Finally, I found the right combination. So, I thought.

Then, about 6 months later, everything started to ache again. Wait a second! I realized, in looking back, that the pain also corresponded with upticks in hot flashes and night sweats.

This pain was hormonal and had nothing to do with the mattress or the topper! I’m so embarrassed to think about the poor people at the mattress store and how confused they must’ve been. (confused or probably really PO’ed) I wish I’d known that joint pain was a symptom of perimenopause!

In September, I started getting frozen shoulder. It’s the craziest pain I’ve ever experienced. Guess what? It happens mostly to women between the ages of 40-60. Thank you, Menopause!

I was at my wits end.

So, I asked the Nurse Practitioner what she suggested and she said that there’re pellets that they insert in your glutes that slowly release over some months and you have to go back every few months to have them inserted. That was for testosterone and estrogen. That sounded risky to me, because if I didn’t like how they made me feel, I’d be stuck with them for months. If I did like them, then I’d be stuck with the cost and the doctor visits for years.

So, I tried the over-the-counter and health food store route. Creams and homeopathic tablets, herbs and vitamins, and trying to ignore the symptoms. I got some relief, at times. It just wasn’t enough. And the weight gain, joint pain, frozen shoulder and sudden increase of wrinkly, dry skin was all too much. Basta!

The weight came off with group hypnosis and lifestyle hacks using a Dietless Life Program. Hallelujah! I feel so much better knowing that this is something I’m empowered with maintaining for the rest of my life. I just started a founding group with amazing women! Join the waitlist for the next round here.

I went back in for my yearly wellness exam and asked about bioidentical hormones because of the other symptoms, especially frozen shoulder and joint pain. My doctor was incredibly short and rushed with me. It was truly disappointing. She did end up prescribing a combination (progesterone and estrogen) patch of bioidentical hormones. That has cleared up most of the remaining symptoms. Woohoo!!

I almost went to a naturopath, but knew that my insurance didn’t cover it. It would have been a hefty bill, but I bet the care and attention would’ve been a lot better.

I did a lot of research along the way. I joined FB groups and talked to many friends and clients. We’re so lucky that perimenopause is being talked about so much more openly. We don’t have to go through it alone. We can get informed, advocate for ourselves and experiment with all of the different tools out there, until we find what works best for us.

In the Trim Your Tummy audio hypnosis I include suggestions of diminishing a lot of the symptoms we experience in perimenopause. Check it out for free.

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Have you seen the list of symptoms associated with perimenopause/menopause? It’s shocking!

We’re all different and we (hopefully) won’t get all of these symptoms. And not at the same time, please!! I was shocked and surprised at how many symptoms there are directly connected with hormonal shifts during this time.

The other thing that varies so much is when does perimenopause start? For some, it starts in the late 30’s or early 40’s. For others, it’s right at 50 (the average age of menopause). Other women continue to have their period long after 50.

Next, when does it stop?

Well, I guess before that…what can we do to make it better? I can tell you what helped me with the smorgasbord of symptoms that I’ve experienced so far, but really you have to decide what’s right for you.

Let’s look at this list:

1. Allergies
2. Anxiety
3. Bloating
4. Breast tenderness
5. Body odor changes
6. Brain Fog
7. Burning mouth syndrome
8. Depression
9. Digestive issues
10. Dizziness
11. Electric shock sensations
12. Fatigue
13. Feelings of Dread
14. Formication
15. Hot Flashes
16. Hair changes
17. Headaches/Migraines
18. Incontinence
19. Insomnia
20. Irregular heartbeat
21. Irregular menstrual cycle
22. Irritability
23. Itchy skin
24. Joint pain
25. Loss of libido
26. Mood swings
27. Muscle tension
28. Night sweats
29. Oral problems
30. Paresthesia
31. Vaginal dryness
32. Weakened fingernails
33. Weight gain
34. Osteoporosis
35. Frozen shoulder (this is one I added to the list. The rest of the list is from

Jeez! I think it must be time to crawl into a cave and hibernate until it’s over!

No, seriously. Let me share with you my journey over the last year with perimenopause.

First, for me, it’s unclear if I’m still in perimenopause or menopause because I no longer have a uterus. I do have ovaries and they’ve slowed way down, causing a bunch of the symptoms above.

My first noticeable complaint was actually lower libido. I had my hormones checked and my testosterone levels were tanking. The OB/GYN prescribed a compounded testosterone cream. It worked, but it was hard for me to be consistent. I didn’t have any of the negative side effects that some people have. (Just a quick reminder: this is not medical advice as I’m not a doctor…this is my story that I hope can help you as you navigate your own journey while seeking out qualified help).

Then, it was weight gain, which crept on slowly. But, was definitely around the middle (which was always my first spot…I’m an 🍎shape). Mixed in with #24, 26, 22, 12, 5 and 15. Ok, to be honest, add in #3, 4, 6 and 9. Maybe, I should just talk about the ones I didn’t have. I think #35, frozen shoulder, really pushed me over the edge to go on HRT.

The ones that surprised me were joint pain, body odor changes and brain fog.

I couldn’t believe this…About a year ago, we moved into a new place and we wanted a fresh new mattress to start off this chapter. We tried this one mattress that seemed amazing in the showroom and it was pretty expensive. Got it home. My shoulders and hips weren’t happy. That had never happened before. Must be the mattress! Switched it for a different type. Still waking up with pain. I was so irritated and was convinced that mattresses were overpriced and shoddy.

We returned that one, too! The store owner had had just about enough of us. They brought us another one, with a look and tone that there would be no more switching. We knew that there was no way that we’d be able to return this one.

My hips and shoulders were still achey. So, I ordered a mattress topper or two or three. Finally, I found the right combination. So, I thought.

Then, about 6 months later, everything started to ache again. Wait a second! I realized, in looking back, that the pain also corresponded with upticks in hot flashes and night sweats.

This pain was hormonal and had nothing to do with the mattress or the topper! I’m so embarrassed to think about the poor people at the mattress store and how confused they must’ve been. (confused or probably really PO’ed) I wish I’d known that joint pain was a symptom of perimenopause!

In September, I started getting frozen shoulder. It’s the craziest pain I’ve ever experienced. Guess what? It happens mostly to women between the ages of 40-60. Thank you, Menopause!

I was at my wits end.

So, I asked the Nurse Practitioner what she suggested and she said that there’re pellets that they insert in your glutes that slowly release over some months and you have to go back every few months to have them inserted. That was for testosterone and estrogen. That sounded risky to me, because if I didn’t like how they made me feel, I’d be stuck with them for months. If I did like them, then I’d be stuck with the cost and the doctor visits for years.

So, I tried the over-the-counter and health food store route. Creams and homeopathic tablets, herbs and vitamins, and trying to ignore the symptoms. I got some relief, at times. It just wasn’t enough. And the weight gain, joint pain, frozen shoulder and sudden increase of wrinkly, dry skin was all too much. Basta!

The weight came off with group hypnosis and lifestyle hacks using a Dietless Life Program. Hallelujah! I feel so much better knowing that this is something I’m empowered with maintaining for the rest of my life. I just started a founding group with amazing women! Join the waitlist for the next round here.

I went back in for my yearly wellness exam and asked about bioidentical hormones because of the other symptoms, especially frozen shoulder and joint pain. My doctor was incredibly short and rushed with me. It was truly disappointing. She did end up prescribing a combination (progesterone and estrogen) patch of bioidentical hormones. That has cleared up most of the remaining symptoms. Woohoo!!

I almost went to a naturopath, but knew that my insurance didn’t cover it. It would have been a hefty bill, but I bet the care and attention would’ve been a lot better.

I did a lot of research along the way. I joined FB groups and talked to many friends and clients. We’re so lucky that perimenopause is being talked about so much more openly. We don’t have to go through it alone. We can get informed, advocate for ourselves and experiment with all of the different tools out there, until we find what works best for us.

In the Trim Your Tummy audio hypnosis I include suggestions of diminishing a lot of the symptoms we experience in perimenopause. Check it out for free.

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