Your Stellar Life
Making Time for Your Self-Care
If you don't make it a priority...who will?
Laura Kate McHugh

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing we don't have enough time to prioritize our health and well-being. We juggle work, family, social commitments, and countless other responsibilities, often leaving self-care at the bottom of our to-do list. However, taking control of your health and focusing on weight management is not only achievable but essential for a fulfilling life. In this blog post, we'll explore practical ways to make your health a priority and debunk the "no time" excuse once and for all.

Our minds are always trying to give us what we tell them we want. So, if you say, “I don’t have time”, “I’m running out of time.”, “There’s not enough time in the day!” your mind will work hard to make that reality. Try instead, “I have all the time in the world!” and repeat that phrase whenever you feel stressed or behind.

Assess your priorities:
Take a step back and evaluate your daily routine. Are there tasks or activities that consume your time but don't contribute to your overall well-being? Consider reassessing your priorities and making conscious choices to allocate time for self-care and health. Since I’ve been making morning meditation a priority, I feel so much better. I’m also getting more done throughout the day.

Break it down into smaller tasks:
Weight management and adopting healthier habits can feel overwhelming. Instead of tackling everything at once, break your goals down into smaller, manageable tasks. Focus on incorporating one new habit at a time, making it easier to establish a sustainable routine. I’ve wanted to have a consistent meditation practice for years, but thought I had to sit for at least a half hour. I started with 5 minutes every morning and I can build up from here.

Utilize time management techniques:
Implementing time management strategies can help you free up time for your health. Consider using techniques like the Pomodoro method, time blocking, or the 80/20 rule to increase productivity and create space for self-care in your schedule. I use the Full Focus Planner to set my goals for the week, the day, the month and the year. It helps to have this bigger overview and the daily top three things that I want to achieve. Plus it keeps track of my daily appointments.

Find activities that fit your lifestyle:
You won’t do it if you don’t like to do it. At least not for any length of time. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and fitness. Explore various activities and find what works best for you. Whether it's a 15-minute home workout, a lunchtime walk, or a weekend yoga class, choose activities that you enjoy and can realistically fit into your routine. Do you love to dance? Or maybe you like T’ai chi or Qi Gong? Find your thing and start small.

Make it a family affair:
Incorporating your health journey into your family life can create a supportive environment and make it easier to find the time. Plan family activities that promote physical movement, such as hiking, bike rides, or playing sports together. This way, you're prioritizing both your health and quality time with loved ones. A workout buddy, a group of friends that like to hike or maybe it’s your time to catch up with a friend over a walk? When we commit to other people we are more likely to follow through.

Seek support and accountability:
Enlist the help of a health coach, join a support group, or connect with like-minded individuals to stay motivated and accountable. Sharing your journey with others can provide encouragement, inspiration, and help you stay committed to your goals. We do find it hard to share our wins and accomplishments, don’t we? That’s one thing that being in a group like Your Stellar Body does for you, is give you that space to get support and support others.

The "no time" excuse may seem valid at first glance, but with intention and effort, it's possible to make your self-care a priority. By reassessing your priorities, breaking down goals, utilizing time management techniques, and finding activities that suit your lifestyle, you can take charge of your well-being and make lasting, positive changes. Remember, investing in your health is the ultimate act of self-care and will pay dividends in every aspect of your life.

Join the waitlist for the next great group of women over 50 in Your Stellar Body.

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In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing we don't have enough time to prioritize our health and well-being. We juggle work, family, social commitments, and countless other responsibilities, often leaving self-care at the bottom of our to-do list. However, taking control of your health and focusing on weight management is not only achievable but essential for a fulfilling life. In this blog post, we'll explore practical ways to make your health a priority and debunk the "no time" excuse once and for all.

Our minds are always trying to give us what we tell them we want. So, if you say, “I don’t have time”, “I’m running out of time.”, “There’s not enough time in the day!” your mind will work hard to make that reality. Try instead, “I have all the time in the world!” and repeat that phrase whenever you feel stressed or behind.

Assess your priorities:
Take a step back and evaluate your daily routine. Are there tasks or activities that consume your time but don't contribute to your overall well-being? Consider reassessing your priorities and making conscious choices to allocate time for self-care and health. Since I’ve been making morning meditation a priority, I feel so much better. I’m also getting more done throughout the day.

Break it down into smaller tasks:
Weight management and adopting healthier habits can feel overwhelming. Instead of tackling everything at once, break your goals down into smaller, manageable tasks. Focus on incorporating one new habit at a time, making it easier to establish a sustainable routine. I’ve wanted to have a consistent meditation practice for years, but thought I had to sit for at least a half hour. I started with 5 minutes every morning and I can build up from here.

Utilize time management techniques:
Implementing time management strategies can help you free up time for your health. Consider using techniques like the Pomodoro method, time blocking, or the 80/20 rule to increase productivity and create space for self-care in your schedule. I use the Full Focus Planner to set my goals for the week, the day, the month and the year. It helps to have this bigger overview and the daily top three things that I want to achieve. Plus it keeps track of my daily appointments.

Find activities that fit your lifestyle:
You won’t do it if you don’t like to do it. At least not for any length of time. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and fitness. Explore various activities and find what works best for you. Whether it's a 15-minute home workout, a lunchtime walk, or a weekend yoga class, choose activities that you enjoy and can realistically fit into your routine. Do you love to dance? Or maybe you like T’ai chi or Qi Gong? Find your thing and start small.

Make it a family affair:
Incorporating your health journey into your family life can create a supportive environment and make it easier to find the time. Plan family activities that promote physical movement, such as hiking, bike rides, or playing sports together. This way, you're prioritizing both your health and quality time with loved ones. A workout buddy, a group of friends that like to hike or maybe it’s your time to catch up with a friend over a walk? When we commit to other people we are more likely to follow through.

Seek support and accountability:
Enlist the help of a health coach, join a support group, or connect with like-minded individuals to stay motivated and accountable. Sharing your journey with others can provide encouragement, inspiration, and help you stay committed to your goals. We do find it hard to share our wins and accomplishments, don’t we? That’s one thing that being in a group like Your Stellar Body does for you, is give you that space to get support and support others.

The "no time" excuse may seem valid at first glance, but with intention and effort, it's possible to make your self-care a priority. By reassessing your priorities, breaking down goals, utilizing time management techniques, and finding activities that suit your lifestyle, you can take charge of your well-being and make lasting, positive changes. Remember, investing in your health is the ultimate act of self-care and will pay dividends in every aspect of your life.

Join the waitlist for the next great group of women over 50 in Your Stellar Body.

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