Your Stellar Life
You’ve Tried It All Before
Discover a New Approach with Your Stellar Body
Laura Kate McHugh
You've tried it all before, and nothing seems to work. The overwhelming discouragement feels like a downward spiral. Or when you try the things that used to work, only to find that they’re no longer working or taking much more time.

I’m talking about losing weight, but I’m also talking about the discouragement and overwhelm we can all feel at times. Futility.

I hear it all the time. The sigh. The fatigue. The overwhelm. It seems like it would be better to take a nap, watch tv or snack on junk food.

Believe it or not, this reaction is actually your mind trying to protect you. It's common to want to stay in familiar territory, within the safe walls of our comfort zones.To the subconscious mind, it’s always better to stay safe behind the walled gates, than to venture out into uncharted territories.

When you want different results you have to try different things.

You may have tried tons of different diets. We hear about the new protein bar diets, the big companies with their menu plans, theHollywood fad diets and it’s all overwhelming! But the Your Stellar Body program isn't just another diet. It's a different approach altogether.

You transform your body, your metabolism, your cravings and your overall confidence from the inside out so that you feel like yourself again. So that you can confidently maneuver around the summer vacation extravaganzas, the holiday gatherings, the winter blues and whatever else life throws your way.

The key to this healthy mind and body shift is loving your body. When you love your body, you are able to make the familiar seem completely unfamiliar and the new and unfamiliar the new norm.

Imagine waking up 3 months from now feeling lighter, leaner and more energized! Imagine shopping for those new jeans and having to go back for a smaller size! Imagine having the freedom to move easily and effortlessly without the aches and pains from carrying around extra weight.

I’m down 30 lbs on my Stellar Body Journey. That is 6 of those 5 lb sacks of potatoes. Imagine…I was carrying around 6 of those things all day, everyday. My journey may look different from yours. I’ve yo-yo’ed most of my life. With this last period of gaining weight coinciding with perimenopause, I felt so defeated. So out of control of it.

I thought I was eating well and doing the right things, and in some ways, I was. But my internal, subconscious programming was telling me a different story... “Once you hit 50, it’s all downhill. You really pack on the pounds and it’s harder to get them off. It’s unsafe to be thin, because you’ll get unwanted attention.”.

Becoming a hypnotherapist, I discovered the tools to wire in better beliefs. I made the familiar, old beliefs a thing of the past. I feel more confident. I feel lighter. And, you can too.

Unlike traditional diets, 'Your Stellar Body' is a comprehensive program designed to deliver lasting results. It’s not just about losing weight - it’s about changing your relationship with your body and food in a sustainable and healthy way.

Your Stellar Body combines proven lifetime strategies, fresh perspectives, hypnotherapy, and coaching. This hybrid program is delivered online and includes weekly lessons, audios, videos, along with live group coaching sessions. It's an immersive experience that allows for personal growth, discovery, and transformation.

Clients who have joined Your Stellar Body program aren't just losing weight; they are getting to the root cause of why they've been holding onto the weight, changing their behaviors and beliefs about food and their bodies, and improving their confidence week after week. Their transformations are both physical and mental, and these changes are designed to last a lifetime.

With perimenopause and beyond, our bodies change and it can often feel like we are losing control. Your Stellar Body gives you the tools and support to regain that control and confidently navigate these changes

Are you ready to embark on your own Stellar Body journey? Are you ready to shed those extra pounds, feel lighter, and love your body (again)? Don't let old beliefs and patterns hold you back from feeling confident and beautiful.

If you're looking for immediate and practical advice on how to start transforming your body, click here to get my '5 Food Swaps to Get Your Body Back' guide. It's a curated list of simple swaps that can dramatically change the way you eat, helping you take your first steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

Or, if you're ready for a more comprehensive solution and want to be part of a transformative journey to redefine your body and your relationship with food, join the waiting list for the 'Your Stellar Body' program here. This program is more than just a diet; it's a lifestyle change that works from the inside out, transforming your body, metabolism, and self-confidence.

No matter which path you choose, remember this: change is possible. A healthier, more confident you is possible. Start your journey today.

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You've tried it all before, and nothing seems to work. The overwhelming discouragement feels like a downward spiral. Or when you try the things that used to work, only to find that they’re no longer working or taking much more time.

I’m talking about losing weight, but I’m also talking about the discouragement and overwhelm we can all feel at times. Futility.

I hear it all the time. The sigh. The fatigue. The overwhelm. It seems like it would be better to take a nap, watch tv or snack on junk food.

Believe it or not, this reaction is actually your mind trying to protect you. It's common to want to stay in familiar territory, within the safe walls of our comfort zones.To the subconscious mind, it’s always better to stay safe behind the walled gates, than to venture out into uncharted territories.

When you want different results you have to try different things.

You may have tried tons of different diets. We hear about the new protein bar diets, the big companies with their menu plans, theHollywood fad diets and it’s all overwhelming! But the Your Stellar Body program isn't just another diet. It's a different approach altogether.

You transform your body, your metabolism, your cravings and your overall confidence from the inside out so that you feel like yourself again. So that you can confidently maneuver around the summer vacation extravaganzas, the holiday gatherings, the winter blues and whatever else life throws your way.

The key to this healthy mind and body shift is loving your body. When you love your body, you are able to make the familiar seem completely unfamiliar and the new and unfamiliar the new norm.

Imagine waking up 3 months from now feeling lighter, leaner and more energized! Imagine shopping for those new jeans and having to go back for a smaller size! Imagine having the freedom to move easily and effortlessly without the aches and pains from carrying around extra weight.

I’m down 30 lbs on my Stellar Body Journey. That is 6 of those 5 lb sacks of potatoes. Imagine…I was carrying around 6 of those things all day, everyday. My journey may look different from yours. I’ve yo-yo’ed most of my life. With this last period of gaining weight coinciding with perimenopause, I felt so defeated. So out of control of it.

I thought I was eating well and doing the right things, and in some ways, I was. But my internal, subconscious programming was telling me a different story... “Once you hit 50, it’s all downhill. You really pack on the pounds and it’s harder to get them off. It’s unsafe to be thin, because you’ll get unwanted attention.”.

Becoming a hypnotherapist, I discovered the tools to wire in better beliefs. I made the familiar, old beliefs a thing of the past. I feel more confident. I feel lighter. And, you can too.

Unlike traditional diets, 'Your Stellar Body' is a comprehensive program designed to deliver lasting results. It’s not just about losing weight - it’s about changing your relationship with your body and food in a sustainable and healthy way.

Your Stellar Body combines proven lifetime strategies, fresh perspectives, hypnotherapy, and coaching. This hybrid program is delivered online and includes weekly lessons, audios, videos, along with live group coaching sessions. It's an immersive experience that allows for personal growth, discovery, and transformation.

Clients who have joined Your Stellar Body program aren't just losing weight; they are getting to the root cause of why they've been holding onto the weight, changing their behaviors and beliefs about food and their bodies, and improving their confidence week after week. Their transformations are both physical and mental, and these changes are designed to last a lifetime.

With perimenopause and beyond, our bodies change and it can often feel like we are losing control. Your Stellar Body gives you the tools and support to regain that control and confidently navigate these changes

Are you ready to embark on your own Stellar Body journey? Are you ready to shed those extra pounds, feel lighter, and love your body (again)? Don't let old beliefs and patterns hold you back from feeling confident and beautiful.

If you're looking for immediate and practical advice on how to start transforming your body, click here to get my '5 Food Swaps to Get Your Body Back' guide. It's a curated list of simple swaps that can dramatically change the way you eat, helping you take your first steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

Or, if you're ready for a more comprehensive solution and want to be part of a transformative journey to redefine your body and your relationship with food, join the waiting list for the 'Your Stellar Body' program here. This program is more than just a diet; it's a lifestyle change that works from the inside out, transforming your body, metabolism, and self-confidence.

No matter which path you choose, remember this: change is possible. A healthier, more confident you is possible. Start your journey today.

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