Your Stellar Life
Friday the 13th: Superstition Vs. Reality
Changing our childhood beliefs. Being present
Laura Kate

Known worldwide, Friday the 13th has become a symbol of dread for countless people. But why? It’s just a day, right?

The supposed origins of this superstition date back to biblical times, pointing out that Judas Iscariot, the 13th disciple was the one to betray Jesus.

Other explanations cite that many unfortunate events happened in the bible on Fridays. Mix that in with the belief that 13 is an unlucky number, and you’ve got a recipe for a spooky day.

Don’t even get me started on the “Friday The 13th” movie series, though. They named it that solely to cash in on the previously released “Halloween” by choosing the next spookiest day of the year, and 12 (not 13) entries later, it holds the top spot in our minds by association.

I’m not the kind of person who avoids opening an umbrella inside or walking under a ladder, and you can bet if a black cat walks by, I’ll stop and pet it. If you’re anything like me, you probably feel the same way about the obvious ones - They’re all garbage.

We usually learn about superstitions when we are young. Like most other beliefs, they follow us into our adult lives. We can’t honestly explain why we are afraid of these things, but they remain ingrained in our being. For some, it gets to a point where it can even control our lives and decisions.

Some extreme cases have been reported of individuals ritualizing everything they can to offset bad luck or send off evil spirits that they believe they have gained.

Suppose we spend so much time worrying about what could happen because of a specific action or a random encounter. In that case, we lose focus on what IS happening here and now.

Those of us who are superstitious kind of have the right idea in a way; they’re constantly assessing their surroundings and being mindful of what is happening around them.

How can we apply that philosophy to our lives as well? How can we make it so that we are ready for all of the little twists and turns that life throws at us and swerve to avoid the potentially harmful ones?

Mindfulness is the answer. If we are actively paying attention to our surroundings and relationships, we can be well-equipped to handle those situations as they arise or potentially even avoid them entirely.

I encourage you to stop and take a look around at least once a day. It doesn’t have to be long, just enough to take in what you have and who you are and allow yourself to be thankful for all of it.

If there are fears or beliefs that are keeping you stuck, I’d love to see if I can help you understand them and let them go forever. Jump on over to my scheduler and set up a time for us to zoom. Being mindful, present and aware are the keys to unlocking your stellar life. Happy Friday the 13th!

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Known worldwide, Friday the 13th has become a symbol of dread for countless people. But why? It’s just a day, right?

The supposed origins of this superstition date back to biblical times, pointing out that Judas Iscariot, the 13th disciple was the one to betray Jesus.

Other explanations cite that many unfortunate events happened in the bible on Fridays. Mix that in with the belief that 13 is an unlucky number, and you’ve got a recipe for a spooky day.

Don’t even get me started on the “Friday The 13th” movie series, though. They named it that solely to cash in on the previously released “Halloween” by choosing the next spookiest day of the year, and 12 (not 13) entries later, it holds the top spot in our minds by association.

I’m not the kind of person who avoids opening an umbrella inside or walking under a ladder, and you can bet if a black cat walks by, I’ll stop and pet it. If you’re anything like me, you probably feel the same way about the obvious ones - They’re all garbage.

We usually learn about superstitions when we are young. Like most other beliefs, they follow us into our adult lives. We can’t honestly explain why we are afraid of these things, but they remain ingrained in our being. For some, it gets to a point where it can even control our lives and decisions.

Some extreme cases have been reported of individuals ritualizing everything they can to offset bad luck or send off evil spirits that they believe they have gained.

Suppose we spend so much time worrying about what could happen because of a specific action or a random encounter. In that case, we lose focus on what IS happening here and now.

Those of us who are superstitious kind of have the right idea in a way; they’re constantly assessing their surroundings and being mindful of what is happening around them.

How can we apply that philosophy to our lives as well? How can we make it so that we are ready for all of the little twists and turns that life throws at us and swerve to avoid the potentially harmful ones?

Mindfulness is the answer. If we are actively paying attention to our surroundings and relationships, we can be well-equipped to handle those situations as they arise or potentially even avoid them entirely.

I encourage you to stop and take a look around at least once a day. It doesn’t have to be long, just enough to take in what you have and who you are and allow yourself to be thankful for all of it.

If there are fears or beliefs that are keeping you stuck, I’d love to see if I can help you understand them and let them go forever. Jump on over to my scheduler and set up a time for us to zoom. Being mindful, present and aware are the keys to unlocking your stellar life. Happy Friday the 13th!

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